Sunday, December 1, 2013

El Día De Gracias

Sorry I haven't been on here for a while...

Anyway, I just thought that since Thanksgiving was this past week, I would do a post about what I was thankful for. I'm going to about... 13-ish different things, because 13 is a good, lucky number.

1.) I'm thankful for the gospel in my life. Without it, I would be an entirely different person, and I'm not sure that would be a good thing. Throughout my life I have been blessed and my testimony has been strengthened. Through many trials and frustrating events, I have felt the hand of the Lord in my life and I am glad that my ancestors were introduced to this church many generations ago.

1.) I'm thankful for my family. My silly, wonderful family has been a great support to me. Though sometimes I get frustrated with my brothers and vow to never speak to them again, I often can't hold that promise to myself for more than a few minutes before I'm smiling and laughing with them. When I struggle in life, the different personalities of my brothers help me in different ways. The philosophical one, the funny one, the snarky one, the nerdy one, the quiet one... Their different attributes all come together to help me with whatever I need, and for that I will forever be indebted to them.

3.) I'm thankful for my friends. My crazy friends, my nerdy friends, my shy friends. They make annoying teachers so much more bearable. They fangirl with me over my favorite actors and TV shows, and they help me smile when I think of them. It's fun having them show up in my dreams unexpectedly - then I get to enjoy them 24/7! More than just having a good time, they help me when I need help and comfort me when I need comfort. They always know exactly what to say, and it's weird to think that if one of us hadn't moved here when we did, we never would have met - and my life would be a whole lot different.

3.) I'm thankful for books. Books that carry me to far-off places, imaginary worlds, and different times. Books that help me see life, that make me cry uncontrollably and love unconditionally. Stories that I become fully immersed in, that I never want to leave, that make me lose all of my senses in the real world. Books that make me stay up late at night with a tiny flashlight under my covers, books that will make me carry them around days after I finished them - just because I don't want the story to end. Books that change the way I perceive things, change my thoughts and interactions with others, and most of all - books that make me love who I am.

3.) I'm thankful for music. Music is my escape in life. It all started with an overeager 6-year-old substituting for her sick brother at piano lessons and a confused 7th grader making up her own fingerings for a clarinet, using keys that didn't exist. The band room is my safe haven in school. If I could, I would spend the whole day in there. Music expresses emotions in a way that words and language never could. The way the notes and melody flow and intertwine like a forest and a river, in constant harmony with one another. Music can change how you feel in the moment and it can bring back forgotten memories. Music without words (I feel) is the music that does this. Instrumental music lets the listener interperet what the composer was trying to convey, rather than lyrics forcing you to think instead of losing yourself to the rhythm (unless, of course, the lyrics are really well-written).

3.) I'm thankful for a healthy body. Every time I break an arm or a pinky and have to get a cast, I am reminded of how much I love being normal. We don't think about it very much when we feel fine, but once we're sick, the only thing we wish for is to be better again. When you're truly sick, you don't wish for an X-box or a vacation to Disneyland, because your body knows that you wouldn't be able to enjoy it - you would spend the whole time sitting there with a headache and a tissue box at your side. I'm thankful that I can run and jump and play, that I can join my family in activities and (as much as I hate (or really, love) it) participate in PE.

7.) I'm thankful for my imagination. It lets me come up with crazy stories to write. It lets me read books as if I'm watching a movie, or watch movies as if I'm the main character that never gets mentioned (it's hard to explain...). My imagination lets my friends and I come up with fun things to talk about, and it helps me help my friends with the books they're writing.

7.) I'm thankful for nature. For being able to escape from life. I love being able to go outside, lie down in the grass, close my eyes, and listen to nothing but the sound of the birds and the crickets, to feel the wind on my face. The night is my favorite part of the day (haha). But really, the way the moon and the stars and the dark blue of the sky blend together is just perfect. It's peaceful.

9.) I'm thankful for holidays. This allows me to spend time with my family and bond with them when normally I would be stressing over a school project. They boost morale no matter where you live. It's kind of like...a car getting an oil change. Everything just runs more smoothly and other people are more willing to talk to you.

9.) I'm thankful for boys. Yes, boys. Not in a "I want to date every boy I meet and then I'm going to marry them!" sort of way. More in a, "they have a fresh outlook on life" sort of way. It helps that I grew up with many brothers, which gives me this view on them. This doesn't mean I don't "like" boys. Just ask my friends - because I do. I just enjoy their company and personality more than their looks.

11.) I'm thankful for water. Plain and simple as that.

11.) I'm thankful for light. Without it, this would be a very scary world. ;)

13.) I'm thankful for prime numbers. Even numbers disgust me. I also don't like anything to do with the number 5. Strange fact about me, but it's true. Just look at this list.

That's not all I'm thankful for, but I decided to stop writing epistles towards the end. Anyway, have a happy December!

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